Shipping Policies
Free Shipping Promotion:
All items will be shipped from our store/warehouse within 1-2 business days of order placement, except in some rare cases like warehouse inventories. This item will be shipped Standard or Economy. Here's the reason: we're happy to try and get you the best deal we can, but it still costs us money to send. We may send a TTRPG book or record via media mail if you opt for free shipping. It saves us money, and let's us pay the crew that works here.
The free shipping policy currently applies to all products, excluding board games, shipped throughout the continental United States and on subtotals over $40.00. This is 100% due to the weight of some of these board games. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We're working on expanding the program as we improve our logistical backend.
This policy may be amended in the future, but hopefully only in a situation when we can make it an even better deal. Our product pricing will hopefully make it worth your time to ship from us, regardless of the slightly increased expense.
We generally ship USPS, and of course right as we're in the process of launching our website front-end, they changed some details on us and we're working on improving it before we begin. You're more than welcome to contact us for information/explanation.
On packing materials:
We believe in doing as little harm as possible and that a box is a box. And that a box is good to place things in. While we do stock several varieties of brand new boxes in order to maximize the ideal fit for the safety of the product(s) you've ordered, we believe that if we have a recycled box that fits the bill with a small tape-rip or old-label residue on it, it's still going to be perfectly useable.
It may be aesthetically less-than-ideal, but given the number of boxes that major retailers send out- we'd rather not add any more mess to the ballooning waste of the world. And there is no recycling more efficient than a recycled item that needs ZERO processing/reconstruction to make it suit a purpose again.
On tracking information and order times:
All items will be shipped from our store/warehouse within 1-2 business days of order placement, except in rare occasions where we'll announce it on a banner at the top of the store) or over holidays where we're unable to hand them off to the shipping service.
Beyond that, we value the work-life balance of our crew, and their mental health- and we will emphasize time-off and not overworking anyone. Major retailers have created an expectation of convenience- and while we love to offer convenience and the best possible customer service, we are not employing hundreds of thousands. It's like 2-3 of us, max, at any time here and we're doing our best.
Receiving tracking information does not guarantee that the item has been handed off to the shipping service, as their pickups are occasionally sporadic. Please contact us if there is any issue with the status of your shipment not updating within 48 hours of receiving the tracking number.